Tanto Cuore is a Japanese deck-building card game which has a mechanism similar to Dominion. Each player plays as the Lord of a mansion and hires maids to fill out their house to become the King of Maids! The end goal is simple enough, the player who has the most Victory Points at the end of the game wins! Players acquire Victory Points by employing a variety of maids and "Love"
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Steam Workshop: Tabletop Simulator. This is Tanto Cuore with all 4 gamepacks and every promo in existence. (Even the unreleased international promos). Ariette is not the pretiest card as I lack the 100USD needed to buy one to scan for y Hey. I'm new to this site (as well as board games in general) so I'm not sure of what the standards are for online gaming. Most online board games are unofficial, right? Has anyone made one for this game or do we all have to convert our IRL Like Tanto Cuore? Then you are in the right place! Here you can post fan art, discuss game-play, submit best maid combos between expansions, etc etc. If you have any questions message the mods. ios app for expansion (self.TantoCuore) submitted 3 years ago by omggreddit. Hi, Does anybody know if there is any ios app coming for the expansion Tanto Cuore is a deck building card game for 2-4 players. The players take the roles of “master of the house,” employ a lot of cute maids, and are served by them while slowly filling out their house (card deck). But take care! The maids can become sick or get bad habits. When the game ends, the player who has the most Playdek’s port of Tanto Cuore on iOS only covers the first set in the series. Since I’ve already gone into detail in a bunch of blog posts about the game mechanics of the tabletop version, going over it here in this review is going to be beyond redundant at this point, so what can I…
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